Friday, August 16, 2013


Does your school collect Box Tops for Education or any other labels?

Mine does and last year I had students bringing in one, two, or a ziplock bag full of the labels to my desk where they would then get set aside in a bigger ziplock bag in my file cabinet. I had forgotten to turn them in for our school until the last week of school. So this year I have a new system that I can see daily and when our awesome TA comes to collect them I have the labels handy and can just dump them in a ziplock bag with M. Jones on it for them to know who to bring my bag back to! :)

I started with TWO Cool whip contatiners
220 Grit Sand paper
Left over chalkboard spray paint from another project.
Razor blade
cutting board

First you have to eat the cool whip :P  Next you wash and let them dry really good. After they are dry you have to sand the Cool Whip containers to take off the shine so the paint will stick.  It says let the paint dry 24hrs. Then the next day I did coat 2. Today I day 3.  I followed the directions to rub chalk all over the painted items then wipe off. Next begin writing.  I used and razor blade and cutting board to cut the slots in the lids.


I made TWO so I can leave one on the counter at home and one at school! :)

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