Sunday, August 11, 2013

Manicotti with a twist

Looking for something to cook one night I seen we had Manicotti noodles, hamburger and prego sauce; however we didn't have the traditional cheeses: ricotta and mozzarella.  SO time to invent!

I had in the fridge:

Cabots habanero block cheese
Sharp cheddar cheese


 So I cooked up the hamburger until it was nice and brown then drained it.
I added roughly 1 cup each of celery, onion, tomato. 

Then salt, pepper and some garlic seasoning to taste. 
Once the onion and celery were translucent I added roughly 1/2 cup of each cheese!

I cooked the shells as called for then stuffed them with my mixture, poured over the prego sauce and baked up it was all heated thoroughly. 

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