Friday, October 26, 2012

Saw it on Pinterest... Home Made Magic Shell

When I was a kid just like any other kid ice cream was awesome, now ice cream on a birthday or other occasion is the only time I partake in the creamy frozen treat. Momma on the other hand likes a bowl on about a weekly basis topped with Magic Shell, so when I stumbled across this recipe via Pinterest from Alphamom it screamed try me!!!

The best part two ingredients so here's how.

10oz bag of Chocolate Chips
1/2 Cup of Solid Coconut Oil 

Melt chips and oil in microwave for 1 minute this may vary depending on your microwave. 
Mixture will be separated, stir together it will be very runny.

Once thoroughly stirred pour into a glass container we use canning jars.

And it WORKS!!!
Yes I was skeptical chocolate creations and I do not get along, normally a disaster.


Refrigerate. Microwave about 30 seconds and stir to use if not completely melted add another 30 seconds.


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